Here is a handy tarot card meanings list to get your psychic
juices flowing. The meanings listed here are intentionally short
and simple.
If every interpretation by tarot experts was
included, each card would need several books. The list is intended only
to stimulate your own ideas.
Tarot Card Definitions
Major Arcana
0 The Fool- Beginnings, Innocence, Impulsiveness, Newness
I The Magician- Power, Self-actualization, Realization, Confidence
II The High Priestess- Mystery, Intuition, Patience, Duality
III The Empress- Materialism, Fertility, Protection, Satisfaction
IV The Emperor- Structure, Order, Security, Discipline
V The Hierophant- Tradition, Institutions, Knowledge, Rules
VI The Lovers- Harmony, Divine, Blessed, Trust
VII The Chariot- Force, Emotion, Control, Victory
VIII Strength- Character, Courage, Conviction, Endurance
IX The Hermit- Isolation, Enlightenment, Sacrifice, Transformation
X Wheel of Fortune- Destiny, Change, Foretelling, Cycles
XI Justice- Law, Reflection, Authority, Fairness
XII The Hanged Man- Choice, Passivity, Relinquishing, Attainment
XIII Death- Transition, Progress, Necessity, Inevitability
XIV Temperance- Reconstruction, Moderation, Balance, Integration
XV The Devil- Corruption, Indulgence, Ignorance, Resistance
XVI The Tower- Destruction, Necessity, Cleansing, Foundation
XVII The Star- Comfort, Divinity, Faith, Rejuvenation
XVIII The Moon- Illusion, Deception, Subconscious, Perception
XIX The Sun- Clarity, Redemption, Success, Celebration
XX Judgment- Rebirth, Integration, Development, Restoration
XXI The World- Completion, Victory, Achievement, Affirmation
Minor Arcana
Ace of swords- Power, Insight, Clarity, Achievement
Two of swords- Stalemate, Barriers, Defensiveness, Stubbornness
Three of swords- Betrayal, Grief, Pain, Challenge
Four of swords- Rest, Recovery, Truce, Quiet
Five of swords- Disillusion, Deception, Spoils, Resignation
Six of swords- Escape, Balance, Guidance, Renewal
Seven of swords- Cunning, Guile, Confidence, Indecision
Eight of swords- Entrapment, Helplessness, Self-discipline, Courage
Nine of swords- Regret, Anguish, Apprehension, Distortion
Ten of swords- Disaster, Karma, Ending, Rebirth
Page of swords- Insight, Perception, Subtlety, Unraveling
Knight of swords- Suddenness, Hostility, Fearlessness, Invincibility
Queen of swords- Clarity, Intuition, Honesty, Wisdom
King of swords- Judgment, Incorruptibility, Ability, Activity
Ace of pentacles- Resources, Goals, Gifts, Wealth
Two of pentacles- Balance, Change, Flexibility, Restraint
Three of pentacles- Service, Cooperation, Potential, Fulfillment
Four of pentacles- Gain, Greed, Hoarding, Selfishness
Five of pentacles- Misfortune, Materialism, Comfort, Salvation
Six of pentacles- Generosity, Discernment, Kindness, Rewards
Seven of pentacles- Choices, Reflection, Harvest, Accomplishment
Eight of pentacles- Dedication, Security, Application, Experience
Nine of pentacles- Abundance, Perfection, Satisfaction, Self-worth
Ten of pentacles- Sharing, Gifts, Inheritance, Legacy
Page of pentacles- Responsibility, Opportunity, Preservation, Knowledge
Knight of pentacles- Success, Character, Assessment, Loyalty
Queen of pentacles- Nurturing, Security, Generosity, Trustworthiness
King of pentacles- Stability, Wealth, Profitability, Competence
Ace of cups- Love, Potential, Intuition, Spirituality
Two of cups- Harmony, Connection, Partnership, Reservation
Three of cups- Joy, Success, Community, Blessings
Four of cups- Carelessness, Disappointment, Moderation, Discernment
Five of cups- Sadness, Grief, Imbalance, Hope
Six of cups- Memories, Inspiration, Fertility, Simplicity
Seven of cups- Choice, Delusion, Temptation, Prudence
Eight of cups- Stagnation, Apathy, Self-discovery, Sacrifice
Nine of cups- Satisfaction, Abundance, Happiness, Peace
Ten of cups- Serenity, Completion, Blessedness, Joy
Page of cups- Imagination, Beginnings, Compassion, Romanticism
Knight of cups- Calmness, Idealism, Messages, Seduction
Queen of cups- Insight, Healing, Magnetism, Secrecy
King of cups- Sympathy, Diplomacy, Indecisiveness, Moderation
Ace of wands- Energy, Creativity, Health, Unpredictability
Two of wands- Application, Cohesiveness, Willpower, Control
Three of wands- Strength, Success, Teamwork, Self-respect
Four of wands- Achievement, Rest, Order, Reinvestment
Five of wands- Conflict, Conscience, Priorities, Strategy
Six of wands- Recognition, confidence, dedication, arrogance
Seven of wands- Bravery, Morality, Conviction, Readiness
Eight of wands- Energy, Speed , power, transformation
Nine of wands- Stamina, Vigilance, Progress, Potential
Ten of wands- Burden, Responsibility, Determination, Release
Page of wands- Catalyst, Creation, Conception, Fearlessness
Knight of wands- Daring, Support, Spontaneity, Exuberance
Queen of wands- Ambition, Constancy, Stubbornness, Guidance
King of wands- Vision, Leadership, Compassion, Idealism
The word, 'reversed' is misleading. (This is the most common way people refer to tarot cards that are upside down when displayed.) What I mean by misleading is that the word reversed leads your thoughts down a path that is simply not true.
Tarot cards that are turned around are part of an entirely separate deck of tarot cards. (Some esoterics believe that they are the true deck.)
The Ace of Swords meaning is Power, Insight, Clarity, Achievement. If the meaning were reversed, this picture would symbolize impotence, ignorance, obscurity and defeat. Does this picture look like any of those things? What do your eyes tell you? And it is not a weaker version of the upright card, either (as some people interpret reversed tarot cards). Having the rays of light emanating at the top of the card instead of the bottom, could not possibly mean it is weaker.
Reversed Tarot Card Definitions
Major Arcana
0 The Fool- Pathways, Discovery, Guidance, Promise
I The Magician- Complete, Permanence, Force, Element
II The High Priestess- Duality,Mystery, Intricate, Contained
III The Empress- Female, Opulence, Security, Permanence
IV The Emperor- Rigid, Impenetrable, Shielded, Silent
V The Hierophant- Depth, Devotion, Security, Balance
VI The Lovers- Bound, Destiny, Eternal, Attraction
VII The Chariot- Entrance, Waiting, Guarded, Hope
VIII Strength- Tenacious, Resolute, Intense, Gentle
IX The Hermit- Faith, Enlightenment, Fulfillment, Peace
X Wheel of Fortune- Movement, Eternal, Stable, Unbroken
XI Justice- Deliverance, Nurturing, Support, Relief
XII The Hanged Man- Ease, Achievement, Harmony, Joy
XIII Death- Discipline, Expanse, Influence, Threshold
XIV Temperance- Testing, Replenishment, Taming, Control
XV The Devil- Contest, Conformity, Limits, Protection
XVI The Tower- Freedom, Cleansing, Release, Blessing
XVII The Star- Fertility, Protection, Transformation, Rebirth
XVIII The Moon- Reconnect, Distraction, Purpose, Reminder
XIX The Sun- Growth, Fellowship, Connection, Release
XX Judgment- Obedience, Destiny, Structure, Supplication
XXI The World- Sealed, Secure, Contemplate, Foresight
Minor Arcana
Ace of swords- Victory, Complete, Majesty, Truth
Two of swords- Balance, Dawn, Form, Resistences
Three of swords- Triumph, Capture, Clarity, Permanence
Four of swords- Challenge, Acceptance, Sacrifice, Deliberate
Five of swords- Choice, Acceptance, Stillness, Diminished
Six of swords- Support, Guide, Truce, Balance
Seven of swords- Dismantle, Escape, Unbind, Illuninate
Eight of swords- Rigid, Support, Defense, Waiting
Nine of swords- Sightless, Contrast, Untrained, Concealed
Ten of swords- Betrayal, Restrained, Finality, Clearing
Page of swords- Constancy, Faithfulness, Belief, Confidence
Knight of swords- Beset, Peril, Threshold, Effort
Queen of swords- Perceptivity, Precision, Foresight, Honor
King of swords- Peace, Nature, Order, Wisdom
Ace of pentacles- Blessings, Abundance, Revelation, Straightforward
Two of pentacles- Balance, Focus, Ability, Composure
Three of pentacles- Assistance, Bound, Unrealized, Solvent
Four of pentacles- Liquidation, Incomprehension, Delusion, Detachments
Five of pentacles- Capacity, Endowed, Worthy, Reflection
Six of pentacles- Channel, Rescue, Deliverance, Benediction
Seven of pentacles- Potential, Centered, Concentrated, Unconscious
Eight of pentacles- Dedication, Security, Application, Experience
Nine of pentacles- All-seeing, Opulance, Fruitful, Leisure
Ten of pentacles- Stimulation, Thriving, Affection, Protection
Page of pentacles- Acknowledgment, Acceptance, Purity, Evergreen
Knight of pentacles- Loyalty, Sufficiency, Steadiness, Protectiony
Queen of pentacles- Preservation, Diversity, Harmony, Shelter
King of pentacles- Growth, Intricacy, Control, Mastery
Ace of cups- Joy, Peace, Manna, Innocence
Two of cups- Promise, Alliance, Health, Strength
Three of cups- Fertility, Development, Purity, Unity
Four of cups- Offering, Solace, Opportunityn, Guidance
Five of cups- Aftermath, Rebuild, Support, Regret
Six of cups- Love, Excitement, Complement, Vitality
Seven of cups- Decision, Caution, Allure, Wisdom
Eight of cups- Tranquillity, Connection, Forward, Sustain
Nine of cups- Accomplishment, Gratification, Pride, Conversion
Ten of cups- Victory, Parting, Eternal, Rapture
Page of cups- Source, Ease, Preparation, Readiness
Knight of cups- Care, Grace, Mission, Deliberation
Queen of cups- Complexity, Sanctify, Consume, Receive
King of cups- Devious, Wisdom, Hidden, Pairing
Ace of wands- Vibration, Shock, Resistance, Revolutionary
Two of wands- Preparation, Order, Structure, Advancement
Three of wands- Consolidation, Inevitable, Winning, Prolonged
Four of wands- Oasis, Insulated, Sanctuary, Priviledge
Five of wands- Strife, Confusion, Factions, Flux
Six of wands- Bravado, Conceal, Bedazzle, Display
Seven of wands- Effort, Strain, Heroic, Courageous
Eight of wands- Outgoing, Precise , Foreknowledge, Successful
Nine of wands- Timid, Unsure, Wounded, Paranoia
Ten of wands- Ancient, Remembrance, Brittle, Skill
Page of wands- Foreordained, Passage, Coeremonial, Tradition
Knight of wands- Fury, Sacrilege, Justice, Determination
Queen of wands- Constrained, Promise, Illusion, Mirage
King of wands- Slide, Artifice, Deceived, Danger
only. Definitions may be slightly different for other decks.
A psychic tarot online reading can be as effective as a face-to-face meeting. Insights given by a psychic have more to do with the state of the psychic's own conditioning than with the object of the reading, anyway. If you get a person who is aware of their own abilities and comfortable with letting these flow, you can gain valuable insights.
Using tarot cards is especially likely to make a psychic online reading successful. The cards provide a familiar structure for the psychic to relax into. So, try to search for an online psychic that uses tarot.
Also, don't just try one psychic; use several. During the readings, don't try to write down
everything that is said, just listen calmly. When the reading is finished, write two or three things that you remember from it. Repeat this with
the different psychics, and then compare your notes. What reverberates with you? Are there any points in common? Use this as your starting point for evaluating the different psychic services.